Cape Town City Branding

There are a lot of things about Cape Town that I wanted to carry over into their branding. Capetonians have a rich culture and extensive history that has shaped their city and country into a Rainbow Nation. The first thing that appears when you do a search of the city are Table Mountain temperate weather and lovely beaches running along both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Each part of the logo represents part of the ideals we were trying to capture. Table Mountain is the centerpiece with the ocean lapping at its base and the arch of the rainbow to represent a diverse culture.
The branding is versatile enough to be used across all of the official city documents as well as in many other ways that can be seen throughout the city.

The single color logo can be applied to billboards, bus stands, city locales and authorized city vehicles and buildeings.

As a gift to visitors the city has created a survival kit . Included is a branded map with highlighted locations to visit, sunblock, lip balm and a fashionable lumbar pack to carry all of your personal items.

To view the full brand book click here.